Monday, April 22, 2019


Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist . . . “
Ephesians 6:14
The belt was an important part of the Roman soldier’s defensive armor.   Known as the cingulum or balteus, the belt held the scabbard providing a place for the sword, gave support to the core, secured the tunic and stabilized the other pieces.  In addition, strips of leather to protect the lower body hung from the belt. It played a crucial role in the effectiveness of the whole armor.
The belt of truth is a stabilizer for all the armor.  Truth strengthens the core of our lives giving support, balance, stability, resistance and stamina to a believer.  It is the spiritual muscle to carry out God’s call. Truth should encompass us like a belt to protect us against the enemy’s lies and is key to withstanding attacks.  Truth is a vital and powerful tool because, like a Roman soldier's belt, it allows us to carry the sword of the Spirit and use it effectively.

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