Monday, August 12, 2019


“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil . . . “
Matthew 6:13
Guidance and protection is an integral part of prayer – this petition implores
the spirit of discernment and strength. We are asking God for guidance to
keep us on the right road and help us not to wander into temptation and sin.  
Temptation is not a sin in itself, it’s that little tug of war in our minds, but
giving into temptation is and we cannot escape temptation on our own.

We are also asking God to protect us from evil.  There is a spiritual war between
flesh and spirit and we need to pray for protection from the attacks of the devil.
We need to trust in Christ and be fully dependent upon the Holy Spirit, who
lives in us as Christians, to give us eyes to see and feet to escape.

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