Monday, December 31, 2018


There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:
Ecclesiastes 3:1
Happy New Year!!  Just as there are seasons for the earth, there are seasons of our lives. Our circumstances never stay the same for long but fortunately God does not change. Because God remains the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, we can rely on Him through our shifting seasons of life.

In Spring, we are young and everything we experience is fresh and new. Spiritually, it is a time to read and study God’s Word to learn all we can about who God is and what He can do.

In Summer, everything is in full bloom and we have the opportunity to use what we have learned. Spiritually, it is a time to continue to be transformed into the image of Jesus and to share what we have learned about Him with others.

In Autumn, a satisfying season, we reflect on our lives and reap the rewards of our actions. Spiritually, it is a time when having followed Jesus and the leading of the Holy Spirit, we experience abundant life and fruitful harvest.

In Winter, a season to end all seasons, everything is in quiet repose. Spiritually, it is a time to hold on to what we have learned, surrender every moment to God and stay on the path to eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

What season are you in as we begin 2019??


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