Monday, May 20, 2019


Take the helmet of salvation . . .”
Ephesians 6:17
The helmet or scullcap of the Roman soldier was made of iron covered with bronze and exposed little beside the eyes, nose and mouth.  It protected the head from attacks of the enemy such as the swing of a sword. The Romans realized that if the head was impaired the body was impaired.
The helmet of salvation also provides comprehensive coverage, protects our way of thinking and literally healing our minds.  Salvation or deliverance from eternal penalty of sin and deliverance into the kingdom of God, is an ongoing process and involves our thoughts and actions.   The helmet of salvation is a piece of equipment that should not be underestimated. It can protect our thoughts from attacks of the enemy and the temptation to disobey God.   Without it we are unprotected from worries and problems that bombard our thoughts and feelings. but with it secure, we have confidence of eternity in His kingdom. Joyce

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