Monday, May 13, 2019


In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith,
with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.”
Ephesians 6:18
The Roman shield, the scutum, was a very large curved rectangular with a large metal knob called a boss in the center.  It was an impressive line of defense and it’s size (3’x3.5’) gave the soldiers protection from enemies.  The slight curve made it useful to deflect attacks with flaming missiles and the boss could also deflect blows as well as knocking an enemy backwards.  Another use was to form a shell of protection by soldiers closing ranks and huddling together so those on the outside created a wall and the middle linked shields together overhead to protect everyone - it was known as the testudo or “tortoise” formation!
The shield of faith  is our first line of defense.  It guards our spiritual lives in the middle of trials, it deflects the fiery missiles of fear, doubt and worry plus it produces action which can give the enemy a good shove backwards!  Faith involves trust and is something we must take up and use or it doesn’t do us any good. Strengthening each other by exercising our faith, building each other up and serving together makes us an unstoppable force.


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