Sunday, July 21, 2019


“. . . Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”  
Matthew 6:10
Jesus taught his disciples to submit to God’s authority in prayer by adjusting
and setting our will to God’s will and then offering intercession on behalf
of our entire planet.  The word “will” means “desire,” so we are praying for
God’s desire to be fully realized on earth allowing heaven’s power and
presence to come. What God desires is what we should do – He is perfect
and what He wants is perfect.

Our prayer life is not just about ourselves and this prayer extends our
intercession to others - to our family, church, nation and world.  We pray
that hearts first would be open to know God’s will so that regeneration can
take place in each person. Prayer is not just about a better life one day,
but the willingness to totally accept God’s will to make this world a better

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