Monday, July 1, 2019


This, then, is how you should pray:
Our Father which art in heaven . . .”
Matthew 6:9
Prayer is worship based.  Jesus taught his disciples to begin speaking to God by
personally addressing the Father in worship and humbly recognizing who we
are and who God is.  If we have become God’s child by asking Jesus to be
our Lord and Savior, we are His people and He is God Almighty who is in
heaven and who has given us the privilege of approaching him as a child
approaches his loving father.  

We have the same privilege of an intimate relationship of sonship that Jesus
Christ has so all believers can call God by the same name “Our Father.”
Addressing God as “Our Father” with reverence and awe in worship
and submission, acknowledges Him as the source of our life and our
dependence on Him for everything.  He is intimately involved in our lives,
yet He is also far above.

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